Rainbow Dance - The time for LGBTQ+

Bangkok - 05/07/24. Pattaya - 06/07/24


In the clandestine corridors of indulgence, where whispers weave tales of desire and secrets dance in the shadows, a new chapter unfolds. Emboldened by the resounding success of our enigmatic Sensual Secrets meet and greets, a chorus of voices has risen, beseeching us to widen the gates of our exclusive enclave.

In response to the murmurs that echo through the night, we extend a whispered invitation to our cherished LGBTQ+ companions, whose vibrant spirits mirror the kaleidoscope of desires that flicker within us all. For too long have they lingered on the fringes, yearning to immerse themselves in the intoxicating embrace of our shared world.

The Rainbow Dance emerges as a beacon of inclusivity, a sacred space where identities blur and boundaries fade into oblivion. Here, beneath the swirling hues of the rainbow, all are welcome—bisexual couples, fair ladies, gallant gentlemen, those of fluid gender, and every shade of desire that defies definition.

As the music of the night entwines with the rhythm of our beating hearts, we come together in a symphony of liberation and celebration. In the embrace of like-minded souls, we explore the depths of our shared passions, casting aside the shackles of societal norms to revel in the freedom of our true selves.

With each step taken upon the dance floor, we affirm our unity in diversity, our strength in embracing the full spectrum of human experience. The Rainbow Dance is not merely an event; it is a testament to the power of love, acceptance, and the unbreakable bonds that unite us all.

So let us raise our glasses to the dawning of a new era, where the colors of our desires paint the canvas of the night, and the whispers of our secrets echo through the halls of eternity. Together, we shall dance into the unknown, united in our quest for pleasure, passion, and the eternal pursuit of Sensual Secrets.

** This event is open to all levels of Lussuria Membership for all gender identities. LGBTQ+ friendly **

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Frequently Asked Questions

All Lussuria events attendees are selected and authenticated to ensure that those who attend are knowledgeable about and understand the rules of the lifestyle. Meet and Greets are no different. While we are more lenient with who can attend, you must at least be registered on our website and be a member of one of the large international platforms.

Yes, as long as you are already registered with Lussuria Club and have a minimum status as an Observer or Applicant.

No. Lussuria Club does not organize any sex parties. We organize lifestyle events where you can meet people who have similar desires as yours. We serve the purpose of bringing like-minded individuals together. If you meet people you like and would like to take it further, it is entirely up to you.

If there are any fees, they are usually found on our website after logging in.

Only approved attendees get to know where we are meeting.