DAWN. Golden Goddesses.

Bangkok - 25/05/24.

Exclusive Lifestyle Gathering

As twilight descends, an energy fills the air, beckoning those privileged enough to be initiated into a world where opulence intertwines with veiled delights. Bathed in the warm glow of flickering fire lanterns, candles casting dancing shadows, and a resplendent chandelier, a clandestine gathering awaits, promising a night of allure and enigma. The theme is Gold—a hue synonymous with extravagance and decadence—casting an irresistible spell upon all who cross the threshold.

Upon entry, guests are greeted by a scene of breathtaking elegance: ethereal women adorned in gossamer gowns woven with threads of gold, moving with an ethereal grace in a hypnotic ballet.

Accompanying them are men clad in sleek black trousers paired with pristine white or noir shirts, emanating an aura of refined allure. Optional masks—elaborate and gilded for the ladies, silvered for the gentlemen—lend an air of mystique, shrouding identities in a cloak of intrigue.

Amidst the pulsating beats spun by our friendly DJ visiting from the depths of Berlin, and the mesmerizing undulations of the Lussuria dancers, attendees find themselves ensnared in a symphony of lavishness and revelry. Libations flow freely, laughter and jubilation permeate the atmosphere, crafting an intoxicating blend of enigma and bliss.

In the flickering candlelight, we honor the Golden Goddesses present in a tantalizing secret, shared amidst the throbbing rhythm of the night. Against a backdrop of unparalleled splendor, the beguiling allure of golden embellishments transmutes the event into a spellbinding spectacle of sensuality and enchantment. To be initiated into this clandestine society is to become part of an exclusive cadre, privy to the most coveted mysteries and pleasures hidden within the shadows.

** This event is exclusive to members with Aereus or higher. Open for Couples & Single Ladies and select Single Gentlemen only. **

NOTE: Members attending this event may also attend the Ice Breaker Meet and Greet the day before. See here.

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Frequently Asked Questions

All Lussuria events attendees are selected and authenticated to ensure that those who attend are knowledgeable about and understand the rules of the lifestyle. Meet and Greets are no different. While we are more lenient with who can attend, you must at least be registered on our website and be a member of one of the large international platforms.

Yes, but only if invited by an attending couple or single lady. If you are on one of the international platforms and know couples, you may ask if they are attending and if they would be willing to invite you. We do not divulge who is attending our events and therefore cannot help you with names.

No. Lussuria Club does not organize any sex parties. We organize lifestyle events where you can meet people who have similar desires as yours. We serve the purpose of bringing like-minded individuals together. If you meet people you like and would like to take it further, it is entirely up to you.

If there are any fees, they are usually found on our website after logging in.

Only approved attendees get to know where we are meeting.

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